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Kingston Pensioners Forum and GDPR



               General Data Protection Regulation 25th May 2018




              The Kingston Pensioners Forum requires your consent.


              To allow us to stay in touch with you, which is now a

              requirement of UK law on data protection.


          Your personal data will only be used to contact you by


      ? Post  ? E.mail ? Text and will not be disclosed to a third party.

                            (Please tick the box for which you give consent)




                             PLEASE PRINT IN CAPITALS





Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms) Surname……………………………………Forename………………………….




…………………………………………………………..Post Code……………………………………..






                                      Please post to the Membership Secretary,


                              104, Red Lion Road, Surbiton, and Surrey. KT6 7QN 




          You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us in writing





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