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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 14/05/2024.

Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting the privacy of the information we collect from you on our website. We have therefore developed a policy to support our commitment. We collect personal information from you when you contact us by submitting the Contact Us form.

We may use a feature of browsers called "cookies" to identify you during your use of our website. You can disable your cookies if your browser permits you to do so. We may also keep your IP address in order to analyse traffic on our website.

The Kingston Pensioners Forum owns the Site and the personal information collected through it.

If you wish to alter or delete your personal information, please contact Kingston Pensioners Forum by email at kingstonpensionersforum@hotmail.co.uk.

Although we are committed to protecting your personal information, we might need to disclose this information to regulatory bodies such as government officials or law enforcement agencies.

Although we take your privacy very seriously, we cannot guarantee that third parties will not illegally access our communications. Our adminstrators have very limited access to the personal information about you and are regularly updated on our policies put in place to protect your privacy.



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